This elegant, easy-to-make pear tart was a perfect fall dessert--so we finished it for breakfast!
Almond Pear Tart to Finish
1 prepared ready-to-bake pie dough round
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
5 tablespoons Splenda
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
3/4 stick butter
1 egg
2 cans pear halves
whipped cream (optional)
First, make the almond filling by processing the almonds with the flour and adding the Splenda, sugar, butter and egg until it's nice and creamy. Transfer it to a bowl, cover, and refrigerate at least three hours or for up to two days.
Using the prepared pie dough, line the tart pan with it, fold and flute the edges, make a few fork piercings on the bottom, and bake it off at 425 degrees for about 8 to 10 minutes. Then reduce the oven temp to 350 degrees.
Spread the cold almond filling evenly in the crust--but do this gently and be careful not to tear the crust. In this step, I tended to gently mash it down and around rather than so much spreading around. It doesn't have to be perfect. Then slice the pears into thin fan slices and use a long spatula to transfer them and arrange on top of the filling, almost like the spokes of a wheel. The narrow end of the pear half goes toward the center. Bake for around 45 to 50 minutes at 350 degrees. If the edges of your tart are starting to bake past a nice golden brown color, then cover the tart loosely with foil as it continues to bake. (Don't burn yourself--see my blog about aloe vera!). Cool the tart in the pan, then push the pan bottom up (I use a large can) and release the tart. This tart can stand at room temperature for several hours, but you'll need to eventually refrigerate it. Cut nice wedges and top with whipped cream. So yummy!
Okay, back to stitching. Eat well today!
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