Monday, July 4, 2011


A tiny button and bead for the flower.
I love this little pewter Pooh button, and finally found a way to use him for today's Every Inchie Monday theme: SWEET. 

Pooh is someone who would definitely take the time to stop and smell the flowers, and even wait for the bee to show up and lead him to the honey!
Started with three layers of fabric.
Visit amazing, tiny, one-square-inch artworks at

Put as much as you want in the cap and throw it in.
I don't usually do product reviews, but I'm very excited about a new laundry product that is coming out. I love it when my whole laundry room smells fresh and sweet, and couldn't wait to try a product that is nothing more than a scent booster for anything from bedding, to workout clothes. I'm one of those people that will use more than one dryer sheet at a time, just to get the scent into things like quilts and towels. But here's the thing about this Downey Unstopables: the scent lasts for more than 30 days! I have been using the fresh scent, and it really is ahhhmazing! The fresh scent is floating into every room of my house. Love it!

I got this full-size product, free to try, from Vocalpoint is a great website filled with information, tips, savings, and ideas. I was really excited to get Downey Unstopables in the mail, and a cute pair of socks to go with it! All I can say is, sweet!!

My roma tomatoes are all grown up and producing!

Remember my little Roma tomatoes?


  1. Sweet Sweet Sweet....I love your honey bear! Your tomatoes look fabulous! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. Wonderful sweet inchie! And wow your tomatoes!!!!

  3. Love Pooh for your sweet inchie. The tomatoes look great.
